AHHHHH! I was going to do that flash about the penguin, but Flash freakin' crashed. Well, it didn't crash. I had saved my progress in the movie, exited out of it, and then tried to work on the file later. When I tried to do that, flash said it was unable to open my file. I guess my file got corrupted some how. So I lost all of it. BUT, I got over it because it was like 3 weeks ago, I just haven't posted about it. I am actually really happy because I am working on a new animation which should be done sometime in the first week of January. I post some screen shots later. Oh, by the way. Some people have asked me what my workplace/desk looks like, so here is the pic. I was thinking about cleaning it up a bit, but then I know that that would be misleading because my desk is never clean. Well, I'll see you guys in the new year. Bye my sweet ducklings!
Really you never clean?Lol,anyways I'll be ready to see that new flash.